<aside> 👉 This is a tutorial for project operators on how to use the SoQuest dashboard. Use the table of content for quick navigation.

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SoQuest plays an essential role in the achievement of Web3 Native Gleam. SoQuest provides you with the opportunity to manage your community giveaways and keep track of all processes so you can engage with your tribe like never before.

SoQuest now supports the NFT Minting process, allowing users to create and mint their own NFTs directly on the blockchain within the SoQuest platform. This exciting feature opens up new possibilities for artists, creators, and collectors to participate in the NFT ecosystem seamlessly.

In addition to the on-chain NFT minting feature, we continue to offer our API services, empowering developers and businesses to access valuable data and drive Web3 automation scenarios. Our API enables various applications such as sentiment analysis, marketing campaign boosts, community fostering, and more. By leveraging our API, developers can build innovative solutions that harness the power of SoQuest data to create meaningful experiences.

We currently provide data to our partners in the following ways:

Among them, the method of exporting data is offered so our partners can directly export the resulting data in the SoQuest Dashboard. The method of API reading is to produce real-time updates and read directly through the API.

This way we save a lot of exporting and docking work, and the users can mint the NFTs and receive their airdrop at hyperspeed.


To obtain the results of the Campaign in a real-time way through API, it is necessary to generate its API Key in the Dashboard first (SoGraph Dashboard > Space Profile > Generate API Key).

The API Key is a random string character. Please keep it properly secured to avoid leakage. Once the API Key is leaked, other people can consume your usage through it, which will lead to the ban of API.

API interface

Currently, we provide two data interfaces for reading. When using the API, we just need to get the API URL as well as a valid API Key. Simply add the 'api-key' parameter in the URL and it can be used. The API URL is directly copied by the event organizers in the Dashboard. During interconnection, you only need to provide the part of the API Key to obtain the complete URL.

Candidate List API

The list of campaign candidates can be obtained through API. The access methods are as follows:
